January 2024 Newsletter
Dear Covenant Partners and Friends.
I would like to share with you this month's newsletter the topic of this month's message is believe you receive. In Mark 11 : 22 it says have the God kind of faith. Jesus is speaking about the God kind of faith if you remember when Jesus spoke to doubting Thomas he said you believe because you see. This is human faith not the God kind of faith the God kind of faith is we walk by faith and not by sight. Human faith is very limited; it can even become perverted human faith can never finish the job. Since we've been born again, we now should operate from the God kind of faith.
In Romans 10:17 it says faith comes by hearing; but notice in Galatians the 5:6 Faith worketh by love. This is referring to divine love so than faith comes by hearing, but it works by divine love. When you step out of love your faith quits working so you need to repent get back over into the love walk immediately your faith goes back to work. Without realizing most of the time Christians are walking in human love, not the God kind. In
1Corinthians 3 :3 in the new living translation, it says you walk as mere men. This is referring to baby Christians being dominated by their senses. Yes they're Christians, but they are dominated by their old nature, not a whole lot different from sinners. We want you to be successful we want your life to be sweet living in victory this is the whole reason that God gave us his nature. All sin is carnal but not all carnality is sin. We must allow the Holy Spirit to teach us when and when not to yield to carnality. In the book of Solomon songs of Solomon, it says the little foxes spoils the vine. I say it this way, catch the little foxes before they spoil the fruit.
The fruit of the spirit! here's the way you succeed in life, 1 John 5:4 says this is the victory that overcome with the world even our faith. Peter and his writings mention we have obtained like precious faith, yes we have the same faith that Jesus had. Because it's his faith! It is the God kind of faith. Oftentimes Christians, thinking they're in faith, are actually in human faith, it will always fail you. Let me give you a statement did God gave me. God can use sinners the sinners can't use God the reason being they don't have God's nature. We have God's nature but often times we yield to the old human fallen nature.
Most Christians downfall is yielding to their feelings, what they see and their circumstances! Real God kind of faith comes only from the word, the written word is the spoken word, by the spirit. Faith comet!h! We will be broadcasting a message this month on Facebook about receiving from God through and by his nature.
I can't go into detail in this short newsletter, but all the fruit of the spirit has a counterpart in the natural realm. For example, the joy of the Lord is our strength Nehemiah 8 :10. A natural man can have joy but not the joy of the Lord. In Peter's writings he said God gave us richly all things to enjoy. It's OK to enjoy watching a football game but that is not the joy of the Lord. The joy of the Lord proceeds from your human spirit that is God flowing from his spirit through your spirit that's your strength. So please monitor our Facebook program for next month's message. God bless you and may God's riches and best be yours.
Love Never faitheth
Dale Begley
January 7th Main Street Bible Church Pastor Jim Smith
1243 State Hwy K 1-417-843-3148
January 21st thru 24th Calvary temple Pastor Nathan Goad.
Mt Grove, Mo. 1-417-259-2235