March 1, 2023
Dear covenant Partner
This Month is on the blessing of God.
Receive the blessing that God has given us, The blessing is on our life’s because you received Jesus.
The blessing shall be added to your mind as you meditate the word ! God wants you to have the best ( which is the blessing of the Lord ) God wants to give you the blessing so just take it by faith! The more you are bless the more you can be a blessing to others.
Blessings comes from obeying God’s word. Put the kingdom first and the blessing will just flow to you. Often times folks wants the blessing but they don’t want to do what it takes for the blessing to manifest, People ought to see the blessing of God on us.The blessing is Faith activated, you can control the blessing, the blessing is in the Spirit realm, the word shall be a blessing to us.
We have a sermon over on YouTube called Blessing and Cursing you need to go and listen to it. You will learn more about it than what is in the newsletter, you will learn that God has already bless us with all Spiritual blessings; we just need to know how to receive them ! We serve a awesome God; he has already provided every blessing that we need!
This month study on these scripture : Proverb 10:32, Romans 5:2 Matt. 6:33 Gal. 3:13
We Here at Dale Begley World Outreach walk in the blessings of the Lord, where we can be a blessing to others, we love to bless people, we let the Lord lead us to be a blessing !!!
March 5th thru 8th Church on Fire. Pastor David McGrew
302 N. Jackson Ave. 1-405-445-9158
Blanchard, Oklahoma
March 12th thru 15th. Set Free Fellowship Pastor Joe Hudgens
Lincoln, Ark. 1-479-790-5216