January 7, 2025
Dear Covenant Partners,
This month’s newsletter is on the subject of putting God first !!!!!!
We do that by making the word first place in our lives, also listening and responding to what the Spirit says to us individually.To place our focus upon the Lord means to cut out a lot of things that go against what the word says.
James. 1:21 says Receive the engrafted word! ( that means it must become part of your life style) with meekness (teachable) belief must become behavior, else you didn’t really receive it.If they said a storm was coming if you believe that you would close your windows.
What you spend your time and your money is your priority. We can change by allowing the Holy Ghost to change us from glory to glory.
Check us out on our website and Youtube channel, feed your Spirit in 2025. You Will Come Alive !!!!!!!!!!!
Love Never Faileth
January 11-12. The Grand Church. Pastor Paul Cavenah
205 1st Ave 1-337-390-9441 1
Kinder La.
January 19-22. Calvary Temple Pastor Nathan goad
9241 Wheeler Arch Rd. 1-417-926-5786
Mountain Grove , Mo