August 1,2024
Dear Covenant Partner
This month’s newsletter is on “ Being Led By The Spirit”
God has given us the Holy Spirit as a Helper and Guide. Learn to be led by the Holy Spirit in all things! 1 John 3:22-23 And we receive from Him whatever we ask, obey his orders and follow his plan. Following the leading of the Holy Spirit means doing what you know what God want you to do , yielding to the Spirit and not to the flesh , obeying the part that wants what God wants, not to the part that wants to sin. If we let the Spirit lead us, our lives will blossom and flourish.
Holy Spirit prompts you to take action. You will feel prompted to act. There is nothing you can do to stop yourself from taking action in what you are feeling led to do. This is how you know for sure that this is from the Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit is speaking to you.We will rarely hear an audible voice when the Holy Spirit “speaks “ to us.What we will sense is a strong leading to do something. Or we might feel strongly about going in a certain direction. The Holy Spirit wants to show us God’s plans and purposes for our lives .
When the Holy Spirit is directing us away from something harmful, we very often have a heaviness , feeling of trouble, or uneasiness in our spirit, And when the Holy Spirit is directing us toward helpful things, we tend to feel a deep inner peace, an eagerness to see what God will do, and a feeling of joy.
We encourage you to read Romans 8th chapter!!!! And following your Spirit it’s a great way to live
We want to thank you for your prayers and support.
Love never fails
Dale Begley
August 11th thru 14th Lighthouse Ministry Center. Pastor Tom Hill
Across from 1-44 Speedway 1-417-531-2290
Lebanon, Mo
August 18th thru 21st Lighthouse Christian Fellowship. PastorJospeh Collins
9980 E. 550 S 1-812-677-6081
Oakland City, Ind.