Dear Covenant Partners,
This month is on True Worship!!!!
Worship must come out of your heart or its not worship. It’s a waste of your time, if you don’t worship out of your heart. Man made worship is not worshiping God ! God sees your heart I can’t see your heart but God can, he knows if you are worshiping with your heart . True worship means you humble yourself and give from your adoration a heart felt praise! There is a difference between acknowledging God. And worshiping God
Worshiping means he alone is worthy! Worship comes from the word
Worthy-ship , you was not created to worry he did’t create you to fear are worry. However he did create you to worship, so today leave all your cares behind you and start worshipping God with all your heart, cause worshipping God brings so much joy and peace in your life.
Worship is the only thing God did’t give to you, you give to God. You actually please the father’s heart. Worship is your Spiritual weapon! Worship is more than a song, getting on your knees, worship is your obedience to God
I believe true worship is to come into his presence and start thanking him for all that he has done for you, start loving on him thanking him for his love and his goodness and for taking your place at the cross going to hell for you, so you didn’t have too and thanking him for being so good. Coming into his presence and worshipping him every morning before you start your day, will make a big difference in your day. Give yourself first to God and I believe that’s what true worship is all about. God loves the praises of his people, don’t you love it when your children love and appreciate you for all you have done for them, so does our Heavenly Father.
Let us worship him with all of our heart!!!!!!
April 16th thru 19th. Oasis. Lebanon ,Mo. Don Sing 1-417- 718-3142
April 28th thru May 8th. Preaching in Canada